But This Site Is Not Impressive

This site is not impressive. I am using just some plain WordPress template out there and it may change from time to time. I lack a lot of information, it is not well optimized at all. Totally understandable.

I still have a job, I work at a digital marketing agency. I have a few sites that also generate passive income from affiliate sales and ad publishing. I do not even intend to sell a lot of projects. As I’ve mentioned in  What is Weekend SEO, I am only taking 1 SEO client at a time.

I get paid at my job, I get paid for maintaining my affiliate sites, I get paid maintaining my ad publishing sites. I don’t get paid making this site, except of course when I am currently working on a project. But a large part of my income will not come from making this the best site possible. And making the best site possible consumes too much time that if you keep the site offline until it is perfect, it will just take forever.

I believe in putting websites up, as soon as possible, and it may not be perfect, or it will probably never be, as it continuously improves from time to time. That way you are still making some amount of sales. You are making some conversions online already, even if the site is still a work in progress. Some people like calling this agile. I just call it practical. And you will also see this kind of mentality from me when you hire me to do SEO for you. I find what gives you the maximum amount of benefits with the least amount of effort. So that you gain conversions quicker and we continue to progress and work on your site.

I don’t know if I am impressing you or not, but if you are, and want to hire me, go ahead. Let’s do a needs analysis project first and I will tell you what it takes to get to where you want.