What is Weekend SEO?

  • Ever wanted SEO for your business but never really know how to do it, that you also do not know who to hire?
  • Were you surprised how some cost so much and some cost so cheap?
  • Ever spend on a cheap SEO service that just got your site into Google penalties?
  • Have you ever experience very superior SEO service that really helped you but the cost was just too much?
  • Did your frustrations lead you to not trusting anyone and you just decided to learn SEO yourself and was overwhelmed by the dizzying directions where SEO can lead you to?
  • Or do you don’t know what you just don’t know???

Not ever SEO professional has the same amount of experience in different companies, different industries, different content management systems and more often than not, the SEOs with very successful consultancies with a wide variety of clients or those that work at agencies are the ones that can handle a wide variety of issues more than some less experienced SEOs.

This is where I come in to help you. But I am not willing to help all of you.

  • I will accept clients only 1 at a time. This may change in the future, but for now I am only accepting 1.
  • I am not accepting very large companies, this avoids any conflict of interest with my employer which is an internet marketing agency. Besides, I personally do not have the capacity to handle the demands of a larger company anyway. I will only accept small to medium sized businesses.
  • I will only dedicate a single weekend day to work for you. Most probably this will be Saturday, but I can also move it to a Sunday.

Many friends of mine, and even strangers keep asking me if they can hire me do to various SEO work for them which I usually humbly decline due to a number of reasons. But the root of all reasons is, if I cannot serve you well how I want to serve you, I might as well not accept a client. But if I am strict in only accepting 1 client at a time, and only serve you at the time I can promise to serve you, then everything should be great!

If you are interested, then hire me now!